Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One Month Later and It's Still On!

Hello Friends!! Sorry about the lack of updating as of late... I've been uber-busy with work the past few weeks. Eight entire days of trial certainly takes a lot out of a girl!!

ANYWAY... the Evites have been sent!! By now, you should have received not one but TWO Evites for 10-Year Reunion Festivities. I sort of feel like I should develop some catchy name for it all, but I haven't put that kind of thought into it yet. In any event, there are two Evites...

ONE is for daytime playtime at Oak Mountain. We'll have plenty of BBQ with all the fixin's (and some Cheezy Mac for you herbivores). Feel free to bring your kids and doggies (on a leash, of course!)... plus throw in some frisbees, volleyballs, fishing poles... or whatever else suits your fancy. The pavilion is reserved ALL DAY beginning at 9am. The food won't arrive until 11am or so, so just don't be later than that or you'll miss it... last time I checked, boys don't let food sit around for long! It's just $15/adult... NO CHARGE for the little tikes since most of them either don't eat much or at all. And even if your 6-year-old has the appetite of a growing 18-year-old boy, I'm sure we can accomodate the younguns. Don't forget to bring the few bucks Oak Mountain charges to get in.

TWO is for an evening among adults at the Superior Grill on Highway 280. We're giving all the grown-ups (yes, that's you!) a chance to reconnect sans kiddos. Plus, kids just aren't allowed on Friday and Saturday nights... Superior Grill rule. Just so you don't miss the kids too much, Superior Grill graciously provides live music on the weekends, so the festive tunes will be sure to drown out all your separation anxiety. It's just $25/person and that includes a yummy fajita bar and other Mexican morsels to tempt your taste buds. It also will cover your tea and water, but any other libations will have to be at your own expense.

If you are reading this and haven't yet received an Evite, PLEASE e-mail me at and let me know so I can get it to you!! You can pay for the events using a credit or debit card via the PayPal link on the Evites. (I haven't tried it yet, but if it won't let you pay for both people at once, you might have to do it twice. If anybody has any issues with this, PLEASE PLEASE let me know ASAP!) If you need to mail a check for one or both events, you can mail them to Blair Davis at 925 Wren Way, Mt. Olive, AL 35117. Lots of people have already replied, so if you haven't yet... don't miss out!!

Can't wait to see everyone soon!!
